The Point


Building Educator Capacity – Breaking Down the Buzzword

By Lesley Muldoon, Chief of Policy & Advocacy at CenterPoint Ask veteran teachers about their feelings on professional development, and...
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Promoting Equity and Opportunity for All Students

By Lesley Muldoon, Chief of Policy & Advocacy at CenterPoint Promoting equity and opportunity for all American children through public...
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Guest Post

How To Help Parents Support Grade Level Skills At Home (Right From The Start of the Year)

By: Windy Lopez-Aflitto, Vice President of Content and Partnerships, at Learning Heroes, a nonprofit organization with a mission to equip...
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Guest Post

Building an Evidence-Informed Education-Improvement Movement

Eric Kalenze, the Director of Education Solutions at Search Institute, is the author of Education Is Upside-Down: Reframing Reform to Focus...
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Guest Post

Creating a College-Going Culture

By Meredith B.L. Anderson, Ph.D., and Zakyia Goins-McCants, MS. Ed. Meredith Anderson is a Senior Research Associate at UNCF and...
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How to Get More Districts on a Path to Quality, Aligned Curriculum

By Laura Slover, CenterPoint’s CEO, and Bonnie Hain, CenterPoint’s Chief Academic Officer Road map for student success As Kate Gerson,...
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Guest Post

In It For the Long Haul: Our District’s Experience Implementing a High-Quality Curriculum

By Amy Holbrook, Becky Parker, and Mandy Polen, Instructional Coaches at Mad River Local Schools in Riverside, Ohio   “If...
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Guest Post

Pair Curriculum and Professional Learning For Powerful Outcomes

By Stephanie Hirsh There is no doubt that the quality of instructional materials makes a real difference in schools and...
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