CP Math Diagnostic Screener Data & Next Steps

Using the Data to Inform Instruction

The mathematics screeners are meant to provide information about student strengths and areas of improvement regarding how well students can solve problems in mathematics aligned to the most important college- and career-ready standards at each grade level. The score reports provide useful data, such as the number of points earned out of the number of points possible and the standard alignment which can be used to help inform instructional decisions and deepen educators’ understanding of their students’ learning progress toward college and career readiness.

When analyzing score reports, consider the percent earned by cluster and/or standard; however, be careful when considering standard level data especially if there are few questions aligned to that standard. For example, consider a student that incorrectly answers a question aligned to 3.OA.A.1 on the Grade 4 screener. As noted in the blueprint below, there is only 1 question aligned to that standard, so it would be better to consider how the student performed on the 3.OA.A cluster to help determine next steps and not jump to the immediate conclusion that support is needed with that standard.


Analyzing Score Reports

The score reports will depend on the platform for which students are taking the assessment. The screeners were designed so that the score reports would inform student proficiency on the most critical content from the previous grade, including the student percentage on the overall assessment, as well as achievement at the standard and cluster levels. See the sample reports below. Class and student reports should show student performance on each cluster and standard assessed. Note that reports will vary depending on the platform that the school utilizes.


Guidance when Analyzing Reports

The chart below provides general guidance when analyzing score reports and determining if support is needed to help students shore up misunderstandings and skill deficiencies. The percent earned should be considered for each cluster assessed and for standards assessed with 4 or more questions.


Paths to Consider


  1. For students needing support, consider reviewing the student’s “Show Work” paper to investigate and un-cover misunderstandings and other errors.
  2. CenterPoint created Blueprint documents that include information about learning progressions which should be considered when preparing to teach certain topics. For example, if you have a 4th grade student that takes the screener, and the results indicate that the student needs support in cluster 3.NF.A, then you might consider one of two things:

Both options will help you determine when to provide support for students regarding 3.NF.A content. With both options, you’ll want to:


Strategies for Supporting Students in Mathematics

To support increased learning in mathematics:

Math Resources for Students Needing Support


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