CP ELA Interim Assessments Next Steps


Data Analysis and Next Steps


Analyzing Student Data

Step 1: Internalize the Assessment and Examine Resources 

At the beginning of the school year, educators should examine CenterPoint’s EL Curriculum-Aligned Interim Assessment Blueprints that outline how material will be measured throughout the academic year and how each assessment explicitly aligns to the EL Curriculum.   

Included with every CenterPoint assessment are essential companion materials to help educators understand how students are being tested. Prior to conducting any data analyses, educators should collect and review: 1) Test Maps, 2) Text Complexity Worksheets, 3) Rubrics, and in some cases sample student responses.  

Prior to teaching a unit or evaluating student data, educators should examine the associated Test Map to better understand the following: 

By answering these questions ahead of time, educators can review data, keeping in mind exactly what sort of content students have interacted with and how they were asked to show evidence of learning. It is further recommended that, when possible, educators should closely review or complete the assessment themselves. Educators should annotate items and determine when and why a student might select a specific distractor. They should take note of how students are being asked to demonstrate learning, what texts or examples are being used, and keep these considerations in mind when approaching an instruction or assessment cycle. Through test internalization, educators can connect what their students have experienced in the classroom with how they were assessed.  

Step 2: Examine Standards-Level Data 

All of CenterPoint’s data platforms provide a standards-level view of student performance. It is important to note that the EL Curriculum-Aligned Interim Assessments must strike a balance between measuring the standards and the scope of the curriculum. All items are intended to be aligned to standards; however, it would take several items to comprehensively measure an individual standard, which would require extending the assessments beyond their present length. Because of this, the EL Curriculum-Aligned Interim Assessments balance the coverage of standards over the course of a year.  

Therefore, educators reviewing student data should consider standard mastery but take caution in giving too much weight to any given standard-level report. Many standards have only 1 or 2 items per interim assessment. In most cases, the EL Curriculum-Aligned Interim Assessments will measure RL/RI Standards 1 and 2 multiple times, but the remaining standards may only get one or two items in an assessment. As such, looking at standard-level data should only be done when also conducting an item analysis 

Standards-level data provide a cursory and broad overview when beginning data analysis but should be interpreted with an appropriate amount of nuance and skepticism if students master or do not master a specific standard. (See our blog post here to see an example of how to avoid this mistake.) 

Step 3: Re-examine the Test Map 

Educators should use Test Maps to support data analysis work. Specifically, an educator should look at the Test Map and consider the following questions: 

By using the Test Map as a companion to a data view, educators can deduce more about student performance and begin to consider remediation, intervention, and instructional changes prior to conducting an item analysis.  

Step 4: Examine Data by Text 

For each EL Curriculum-Aligned Interim Assessment, students will interact with four texts. All the questions will be dependent on these texts. Consequently, it is important for educators to examine the topics, features, and characteristics of these texts as they conduct data analysis.  

Within each assessment, two of the four texts will be aligned to the topics covered in the EL curriculum. In many cases, educators can find patterns of student performance by text complexity or topic alignment and not a specific skill. (e.g., Students may do well with Reading Standard 1 (citing textual evidence) for less complex texts but have greater difficulty with the same standard applied to complex texts.)  

CenterPoint organizes texts used in our assessments by three levels: 

Most basic features of a text are outlined in the Test Map. Further, assessments have included Text Complexity Worksheets that outline the quantitative and qualitative features of texts used in a specific assessment.  

Step 5: Conduct an Item Analysis 

CenterPoint item types provide deeper opportunities for analysis, ranging from multiple-choice options to written responses. Select the link for a table of considerations when conducting a specific item analysis.

Item Analysis Considerations Table

Step 6: Examine Student Performance Across the Year 

CenterPoint assessments are intended to help educators measure student learning throughout the year and comprehensively measure all grade-level standards. In addition, many of CenterPoint’s data platform partners provide opportunities to collate student data throughout the year, giving educators an opportunity to step back and examine student learning over the course of the year.  

Educators can look at the “bigger picture” over the course of a year to determine patterns in student performance. (e.g., Did students struggle or succeed with specific item types, text types, or item features?) Following each interim assessment cycle, educators should examine how a specific interim assessment applies to the assessment throughout the year, particularly as students prepare for their end-of-year summative assessment.   

Instructional Next Steps  

CenterPoint’s ELA Interim Assessments are meant to provide information about student progress toward end-of-year expectations and to identify areas of strength and improvement regarding how well students can read and respond to authentic, complex literary and informational texts and engage in performance-based tasks. Additionally, the questions on the interim assessments are like those on state summative assessments, thus providing an indication of student progress throughout the year and a better understanding of what to expect on end-of-year assessments.  

The score reports from the interims provide data that can be used to deepen educators’ understanding of their students’ learning progress toward college and career readiness and to determine patterns of student performance to diagnose students’ strengths and areas of need. 

Interim Expectations and Strategies for Supporting Students in ELA/Literacy 

In reading, students meet expectations when they can:

Reading Comprehension Supports 
When students have not yet earned scores that indicate on-track performances for reading comprehension, the following instructional supports may be provided:


Additional Ways to Use Interim Data to Support Increased Learning for Reading Comprehension 

In writing, students meet expectations when they can: 

Student writing performance is measured using a scoring rubric provided with each constructed-response item. For students who have not yet demonstrated a Score Level 3 and above in Written Expression and Score Level 2 and above in Knowledge of Language and Conventions, educators should review the student-writing product in the following areas: Development, Organization, Word Choice/Style, and Knowledge of Language and Conventions. 

Writing Supports 
When students have not yet earned scores that indicate on-track performances for reading comprehension, the following instructional supports may be provided: 

Additional Ways to Use Interim Data to Support Increased Learning in Writing 



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